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Get A Great ROI For Your First Online Business WebSite?

As a website designer and SEO consultant I work with many clients, but I also talk with business owners, and on a regular basis I see that people don’t have a clue about what they should have as a website and how the website can help them to get more businesses. They even not sure and know what they want but they don’t realize the need for pre-planning the website structure and content of a web site in today’s search engine technology, that the Internet – Google, Yahoo and Bing.

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  1813 Hits
1813 Hits

“Pay-Per Click” Ad Campaign: Position No 1 Instantly

What is “Pay-Per Click“, “PPC” and adwords ? “Pay-Per Click”, is an easy to understand advertising strategy on the internet. There are around 300 million searches at major search engines everyday that include Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AOL and others. This causes 70% of internet traffic. Placing your websites on these search engines is very important in reaching as many potential customers as possible when someone type in the keyword.. But in order to be seen and clicked most frequently, your website should be viewed at the top most of the search list that is on spot No 1. Most people only reach up to the third page of a search engine so the lower your rank, the lesser the chance you will be clicked. In “Pay-Per Click” advertising, you pay to be always visible on the internet. You select keywords or keyword phrases about your website, and the highest bidder ranks the best. There is no upfront cost. You only pay after a visitor clicks your link. This is why it is called “Pay-Per Click”, you only pay when someone click your ad.

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  1867 Hits
1867 Hits

Keyword Analysis Research Method to Choose the Right Profit Keywords

You have to do a keyword analysis in order to make certain you are choosing the right keywords for your site. Lots of organizations make the mistake of creating their website making use of keywords they assume people would use to find them in the internet. There is occasionally a difference in the keywords you would use in searching for your website and what your prospective customers would use in searching for your website.

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  1898 Hits
1898 Hits

Effective Keyword Use for SEO

In SEO, search phrases are of supreme importance. Search phrases are words or phrases that lookup engines use so as to match web pages with research queries. It’s important to optimize your internet site with strategic key words so as to maximize targeted visitors. You will use keywords and phrases in both your on-page and off-page optimization.

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  1934 Hits
1934 Hits

SEO Consultant Selection Process

SEO Consultant

While probably the most essential thing in creating a website may be the designer must has knowledgeable in Seo is even more important in the event you desire to have it show up well in search engine rankings. An Seo consultant can mean the difference between a website that nobody sees and a website that everybody not only visits but talk about when you get your website ranked on the search engine.

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  1957 Hits
1957 Hits
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